When I notice pink, I feel delighted. I feel inspired. Yet, pink is so often degraded as social structures have aligned this color with all that is female. It is defined in American culture as a color of and relating to femininity or woman-ness and is therefore flighty, skittish, silly, or even weak. “Boys don’t wear pink.” But I don’t buy this gendering of pink. To me, pink is its own unique brand of magic. Pink is out there. Pink is beyond the objective this or that. Pink resides in the creative spaces of all that is possible, not just probable. Pink is beyond competition, beyond being first, beyond linear ordering of any kind. Pink is the artist of the colors. Pink is brave. Pink’s got gumption.

“Artists are not like athletes. We cannot win gold. We cannot ‘beat’ other creatives. We cannot come first. Sport is objective. Our craft is subjective. Creating to ‘Be the Best’ is a waste of energy. Instead, create to connect to the people who need you. Because they’re out there. Create in your way, because there is no right way. Take the pressure off, and focus on your unique brand of magic.“
– Anonymous
Citation: Redmond, T. (2022, March, 13). Paying Attention to Pink. Retrieved from https://theresaredmond.com/photography/paying-attention-to-pink/