“We were put into the driver’s seat of our education by creating and constructing according to our own thoughts and ideas.” — Media Literacy Student, Spring 2019
Theresa’s scholarship reflects a hybrid research agenda that attends to the complex intersections of multiple professional fields including: communications, media studies, literacy studies, teacher education, curriculum design, technology integration, and the arts. Across these areas, she seeks to unravel stories about how media and communication technologies impact issues related to teaching, learning, literacy, creativity, sustainability, and citizenship. Theresa employs largely qualitative methods, including case studies, action research, self-study, visual methodologies, a/r/tography, and other arts-based research approaches.
Across her areas of study is a particular emphasis on examining students’ preparation, fluency, and active thinking in digital environments through creative inquiry and expression.
Currently, Theresa is engaged in research studies related to: expressive inquiry, remix, critical thinking, privacy and data mining, visual methodologies, and ecomedia literacy.

Research Areas in Media Studies
Digital Literacies & Digital Citizenship
New Media Literacies (Content Development, Curriculum Design, Evaluation)
News Literacy
Media Arts
Participatory Culture
Digital Storytelling
Counter Narrative Storytelling
Ecomedia Literacy
Privacy and Data Mining
Visual Methodologies
Arts-based Research/Arts-based Pedagogies

Research Areas in Education
Curriculum Design, Development, & Assessment
Educational Media & Technology
Instructional Design
Pre-Service Teacher Education
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK)
Online Learning
Visual Arts
Literacy Studies
Self-Study Methodologies